Zoom Interactive™ has expertise in a wide-range of business, marketing, Web and Internet areas. However we are not so bold as to call ourselves "Internet experts." In fact, if you meet someone who call themselves an 'Internet expert', run like heck. Internet technology evolves so fast, and expands so wide, that no one person can be an Expert. Instead, we have many resources, each with discrete expertise, so we can bring the proper resources to bear on your project.
- from Web development & hosting to media planning & execution
- from database administration to Email & Customer Service
- from Search Engine registration to Statistical Tracking & User Research
- from Microsoft to Java to xml to css and beyond
- across a broad series of platform and technology installations
Rather than always using a pre-determined technology, we determine the clients goals and then select the most appropriate technology. When we undertake a project, we're in this together, as partners:
- You’re the expert at your specific business
- we have broad experience in business building
- we bring expertise in the tools which comprise the Internet
- together we determine the goals, objectives, and key measures of success
Zoom Interactive™ is headed by Stephen Phillips, a highly motivated achiever with over 40 years' experience in building businesses via superior marketing and execution. From Shake'n Bake® to Sweatshirts, NFL® mousepads to cooler chests, Wonderbra® to No-nonsense® Pantyhose, legal firms to Doctors to non-profits to online commerce, Stephen has helped each achieve record results.
- Stephen has been involved with the Web for 25 years since its early commercialization.
- Stephen is Zoom’s chief strategist, consultant, coordinator and head of all Client Services.
- Before founding Zoom, he was a partner and VP Sales & Marketing for Stratapult Studios, where he was responsible for all Client services, and the acquisition, care and retention of that agency’s clientele including the creation of numerous award winning web projects and multi-generation assignments.
Technical and Design services are provided by a professional team of contracted developers each hand-selected by project to assure the Optimum solution. This provides Zoom a "Virtual workforce" which expands to complete your job on a timely basis, with a "We’re in this together, but you’re the Boss" orientation.
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